Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Custom hand shape for Richard Daintree.

"Ziggy" 5'10"/20 1/2"/2 5/8" single flyer bum tail. Hand painted on foam. PU with epoxy bio resin. FCS2 and hand drawn Rocket.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Custom "Ziggy" for Richard Daintree

Fast becoming the most popular model in the Rocket Ace range. Ziggy is an 80's inspired design with refined elements to create a super surf-able performance board. Available with varying fin options and volumes etc.

Monday, 4 May 2015

The CatFish

The CatFish small wave weapon. At 5'4" it fit's tight into the pocket of any small wave you can find. Five fin set up for variation. Coaxial carbon cloth free rapped over deck for strength and bio-epoxy resin for good karma. Hand painted on foam by me.

Ziggy for Scotty

The first Ziggy I shaped was my twist on an 80's style HP Quad. This one has. Raised deck for extra paddle power and a thruster set up for a more pivot able approach.