Sunday, 29 December 2013


Team rider and 5 times Colombian surfing champion, Sergio Navarro doing his best Kelly impersonation on the latest Rocket Ace creation. Top of the pyramid surfboard design.

Monday, 2 December 2013


Wake up! It's the future knocking on da door. No Pun't intended!!

5'2" single concave through to Chanel's 5 finer chimed entry rocker. Carbon on tail- rail and on nose. 4x4oz deck 4oz on bottom. Built for pure high performance surfing on rail and above the lip. 

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Pocket Rocket Twin Fin.

5'11"x21"x2 1/2" single flyer, single to double to vee. Modern twin fin with hand made glass on fins and old school rovings leash "plug". Hand painted art and custom one off hand drawn rocket. On display now in the shop, 10 pacific avenue Miami

Sunday, 12 May 2013

"One Love"

Here's a twist on an old favourite. Single to double concave, tucked under hard edged rail the full length of the board. Full rail, flat deck, continuous rocker. Rounded pin single fin. I'm having so much fun on this design ATM that I've removed all other boards from the back of my car wich most commonly has about 5 boards in it. "One Love".


Here is the "Cookie" a mini Simmons inspired twin keel bum tailed shovel nose. I shaped this board on Anzac Day and gave it an Australian flag colors inspired paint job. Hence the name cookie as in Anzac Cookie. Super fu. For small waves and point breaks. I've given it a lower profiled performance rail and the bum tail gives it more pivot off the top.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Friday, 1 March 2013

"The Voyager"

5'9"x21"x2 3/8" Channeled Twinzer-Fish with Jet Fighter tail. Hand painted deck and resin tint free lap bottom with one off hand drawn rocket. Designed for speed with looseness and control.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Asymmetric 6'5"/6'3"

 Test riding the Asymmetric design..
This board was specifically designed for a goofy foot. Everything about this board is asymmetric, including plane shape, bottom contours, fins. Two boards in one because you don't surf identical forehand and backhand so why not have the best of both worlds in one board.